You will work in groups on a research project where you can investigate and apply state of-the-art network analysis tools and algorithms to an application of your preference. Keep in mind that your project is an in-depth study of a specific topic; it is not just a summary of a few research papers. We will give more details about what constitutes an admissible project throughout the course, as well as a list of topics of potential interest.
The project will have three associated due dates with specific deliverables and grade weights:
i) Project proposal (10%): Brief summary of what you plan to do for your project.
ii) Progress report (15%): First (incomplete) draft of your final report, though naturally shorter and most likely without your major results. Should serve as a skeleton for the final report and as a checkpoint to assess feasibility.
iii) Final report and presentation (35%): Should provide a clear and detailed description of what you did, what results you obtained, and what you have learned and concluded from your work. Apart from the written report, you will prepare a short presentation for the rest of the class.